Government House, Bangkok
24 June B.E. 2541 (1998)
Di Hormati Seluruh ASEAN[1]
Your Excellency,
I wish to you express my sincere respect as well as my appreciation for all you have accomplished during your precidency to strengthen relations between Thailand and Indonesia. Your contribution towards the stability and prosperity of the region is also well recognised and something wich you should be ground. Indeed, you have an instrumental role in ensuring the succes of ASEAN. And given your important role in regional affairs for so many years, i believe your work and accomplishments wil continue to benefits this region and ASEAN in the years to come.
May I also take this opportinity to wish you and your family continued good health and happiness in the coming years.
With warm regards and high esteem, I remain.
Yours Sincerely
(Chuan Leekpai)
Prime Minister of Thailand
His Excellency Soeharto
[1] Dikutip langsung dari buku berjudul “Empati di Tengah Badai: Kumpulan Surat Kepada Pak Harto 21 Mei – 31 Desember 1998”, (Jakarta: Kharisma, 1999), hal 160-161. Surat ini merupakan salah satu dari 1074 surat yang dikirim masyarakat Indonesia dari berbagai pelosok, bahkan luar negeri, antara tanggal 21 Mei – 31 Desember 1998, yang menyatakan simpati setelah mendengar Pak Harto mengundurkan diri. Surat-surat tersebut dikumpulkan dan dibukukan oleh Letkol Anton Tabah.