A Great Contribution To Regional Stability

Singapore, 18 Juni 1998

Bapak Soeharto

Republic of Indonesia


Dear Bapak Soeharto,

Since the currency crisis hit Indonesia last year, I have followed developments in Indonesia with great concern. Singapore tried its best to help Indonesia overcome its crisis.

I felt for you as I watched you announce your resignation as Presi­dent on 21 May. You demontrated great courage and wisdom in taking the momentaous dicision to step down as President. Your decision was in the higher interests of your nation. I was relieved that the political transition in Indonesia had taken place peacefully and in accordance with the 1945 constitution.

You have devoted the whole of your life to Indonesia, from the struggle for independence to restoring stability at a moment of great danger after GESTAPO, to building a nation with an impressive record of economic and social achievements. You transformed a poverty stricken Indonesia in 1965 into a prosperous and industrializing one. Although the financial crisis has set progress back, Indonesia now has the economic and social infrastructure for recovery once market confidence is restored.

Yml have also made a great contribution to regional stability and to the development of ASEAN. You policies made possible three decades of Cooperation and growth in Southeast Asia. History will recognise your commitment and service to ASEAN.

Singapore has benefitted enormously from your friendship and leadership. Indonesia Singapore relation have been consolidated, re­sulting in close ties and economic linkages between us. We will hold you in high esteem.

You have always treated me as a friend. You have always been generous with your time for me. May I express my deep appreciation for you warm friendship and kindness over the years.

My wife lobes me in wishing you the best of Itealth and happiness. (DTS)

Your, sincerely


Prime Minister Singapore

[1]       Dikutip langsung dari dalam sebuah buku berjudul “Empati di Tengah Badai: Kumpulan Surat Kepada Pak Harto 21 Mei – 31 Desember 1998”, (Jakarta: Kharisma, 1999), hal 393-394. Surat ini merupakan salah satu dari 1074 surat  yang dikirim masyarakat Indonesia dari berbagai pelosok, bahkan luar negeri, antara tanggal 21 Mei – 31 Desember 1998, yang menyatakan simpati setelah mendengar Pak Harto mengundurkan diri. Surat-surat tersebut dikumpulkan dan dibukukan oleh Letkol Anton Tabah.

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