I Was Proud Of You

June 26, 1998

Dear Bapak Soeharto,



Assalamu’alaikum wr. wb.

It is with respect and awe that I write to you today. Wishing you all the best of health and prosperity as well as to all your family.

My prayers have been for you and family. I saw you on television with your smiling face as always. With dihnity and grandeur, you stood up to the world. I was proud of you.

I praised you hare for all the tremendous progress and succes you gained for Indonesia. Under your regin, Indonesia became a big nation.

Now Bapak, you will have time to enjoy your life, to spend time with your children and grandchildren and to enjoy their growing up. They will also enjoy their grandpa. They are your treasures. I am sure your time will be well accupied. As a friend, I pledge my continued friendship to you as I always have been and still hope to visit you in Jakarta some day soon.

My family joins with me in sending you and your family our very best and warm wishes. God bless you. (DTS)

Wassalamu’alaikum wr. wb.

Mrs. Sheila Harari

Englewood, Cliffs, N.J.

[1]     Dikutip langsung dari dalam sebuah buku berjudul “Empati di Tengah Badai: Kumpulan Surat Kepada Pak Harto 21 Mei – 31 Desember 1998”, (Jakarta: Kharisma, 1999), hal 600. Surat ini merupakan salah satu dari 1074 surat  yang dikirim masyarakat Indonesia dari berbagai pelosok, bahkan luar negeri, antara tanggal 21 Mei – 31 Desember 1998, yang menyatakan simpati setelah mendengar Pak Harto mengundurkan diri. Surat-surat tersebut dikumpulkan dan dibukukan oleh Letkol Anton Tabah.

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