Selamat Menikmati Istirahat

Jakarta, 24 Mei 1998

Dear Bapak Soeharto



Dear Bapak Soeharto

I would like to thanks you for the service that you have given this country. I also would like to apology for anything I have done, Intentionally and unintentionally.

Finaly, please allow me to share with you some thoughts:

QS 12 : 86 – Yacob said “I only compalin of my frief and sorrow to Allah”.

QS 42 : 10 – Allah, my Lord in Whom I put my trust and to Him I turn in all affairs and in repentance.

And also, when we through deep trials or great sufferings, we need to be reminded that God is working Purposefully, Intelligenly and Lovingly in our lives.

I hope Bapak will enjoy the rest of your life in peace and happiness. (DTS)

Sincerely Yours,

Ria Rashid


[1]     Dikutip langsung dari dalam sebuah buku berjudul “Empati di Tengah Badai: Kumpulan Surat Kepada Pak Harto 21 Mei – 31 Desember 1998”, (Jakarta: Kharisma, 1999), hal 951. Surat ini merupakan salah satu dari 1074 surat  yang dikirim masyarakat Indonesia dari berbagai pelosok, bahkan luar negeri, antara tanggal 21 Mei – 31 Desember 1998, yang menyatakan simpati setelah mendengar Pak Harto menyatakan berhenti dari kursi Kepresidenan. Surat-surat tersebut dikumpulkan dan dibukukan oleh Letkol Anton Tabah.

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